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Bread improvers line


Concentrated improver with malted cereals flour, lecithine, enzymes and ascorbic acid (1%)



LECIDOR is a improver developed specifically to be used in the preparation of doughs that will be frozen and guarantees unbeatable tolerance and machine workability during their production. LECIDOR, thanks to the synergy between the lecithin and the other ingredients, keeps the quality of the frozen doughs intact throughout distribution.
LECIDOR can be used in the production of bread, pizzas, focaccias, breadsticks and leavened confectionery (croissants, doughnuts etc.).
Using LECIDOR leads to the following benefits:
- reinforces the glutinous structure
- improves the machine workability of the doughs
- improves the gas retention and leavening tolerance capacities
- optimises the emulsion of added fats in the doughs
- increases the volume of the products
- improves the crumbliness and shelf-life



10 kg bags.


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