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Bread improvers line


NATURPAN PLUS - natural improver based on sour dough obtained by natural fermentation and enzymes (3% - 5%)

NATURPAN C PLUS - natural improver with sour dough obtained by natural fermentation, enzymes and E300 (3% - 5%)



NATURPAN PLUS and NATURPAN C PLUS, as well as performing the improving role of traditional natural improvers, convey all the typical characteristics of bread produced with long fermentation times to the finished products, thanks to their high content of sour dough for natural fermentation. NATURPAN PLUS and NATURPAN C PLUS can be used in the production of bread, pizzas, focaccias, breadsticks and leavened confectionery(croissants, doughnuts etc.). NATURPAN C PLUS differs from NATURPAN PLUS in that it contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
NATURPAN PLUS and NATURPAN C PLUS do not need to be included among the ingredients on the product label,and lead to the following benefits:

  • they modify the pH of the bread thanks to their content of natural acids, and thus favour the leavening
  • they reinforce the glutinous structure
  • they increase the volume of the finished products
  • they give the bread a taste and smell which are typical of doughs with long fermentation times
  • they increase the shelf life of the bread and improve its fragrance.


Packaging: 25 kg bags

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