The nature as you have never seen it. An original interpretation of elements of nature to shape an innovative version of taste. From Silikomart Professional innovation lab the new range Naturae develops thanks to the creative and avant-garde vision of some of the most acclaimed chefs in the national and international scenario. Silikomart Professional lands in the HO.RE.CA sector bringing all the liquid platinic silicone benefits in this new journey. From high performance, to thermal stability and great flexibility of the material. A range of silicone moulds entirely dedicated to haute cuisine professionals: the shapes of Mother Nature bring to life exclusive plates like starters, entrées and main courses. Naturae is composed of 12 liquid platinic silicone moulds specifically developed for the haute cuisine. The size of the moulds is suitable for Gastronorm tray 530x325 mm.

Naturae - Haute cuisine

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